
List of Recent Publications
    • Ha, Jung-hwa (2020) ‘Child availability and the well-being of older persons in East and Southeast Asia: Understanding the implications of actual and de-facto childlessness’ SNU-ISW Working Paper Series.
    • Ku, I. & Kim, C. (2020) ‘Decomposition Analyses of the Trend in Poverty Among Older Adults: The Case of South Korea’ The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75(3), pp. 684-693
    • Kim, Kiduk (2019) ‘Neo-liberalism, managerialism, and social work profession based on Foucault’s theory of Governmentality’, Korean Academy of Mental Health Social Work Conference.
    • Hye-lan Kim (2018) ‘Social welfare practice for adolescents out of school’ SNU-ISW Working Paper Series. (학교 밖 청소년을 위한 사회복지실천: 강점관점을 적용한 역량강화 실천대안의 모색)
    • Min, Kichae (2017) ‘Institutional Affinities between Socialist Welfare System in North Korea and Basic Income’ Legislation and Policy Studies, 9(3), pp. 455-480.
    • Park, J. M., Park, H., & Oh, U. (2017). ‘The roles of indebtedness on the risk of domestic violence.’ Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies, 48(4), 33-57. (in Korean)
    • Tak, J., & Park, J. M. (2017). ‘Indebtedness and socioecono mic deprivation: A study of debt relief program users users.’ Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies, 48(2), 173-201. (in Korean)
    • Park, J. M., & Lee, S. (2017). ‘Indebtedness and deprivation of basic needs: Focusing on material hardship, health, and housing.’ Social Welfare Policy, 44(2), 87-110. (in Korean)
    • Park, J. M., Oh, U., & Gu, S. (2017). “Indebtedness and mental health: Focusing on depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation.” Korean Journal of Social Welfare, 69(2), 171-190. (in Korean)
    • Cho, Heung-sik (2014) ‘Challenges of social cooperatives regarding social service’, SNU-ISW Working Paper Series, No. 3. (사회서비스와 관련된 사회적 협동조합의 발전 과제)
    • Kahng, Sang Kyoung (2014) ‘Social changes and directions for psychiatric social service – a life-course-based integrated service’ SNU-ISW Working Paper Series, No. 2. (사회변화와 정신보건 사회복지서비스의 방향성: 생애주기 맞춤형 융합 서비스)
    • Kim, Tae-sung (2014) ‘Why is the Korean welfare regime different from European welfare states?’, SNU-ISW Working Paper Series, No. 1. (왜 한국의 복지체제는 유럽 국가들과 다른가?)